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Carb loading is a technique used for long distance endurance events that surpass 90 minutes– running, cycling, and triathlons are the most common.

  • Taper you’re training – before any endurance event it is important to decrease you’re training volume at least 7-10 days before race day. Because you are training hard your body will need time to recover and rest before the actual race. Exercises researchers recommend decreasing you’re training by 30% before the race for optimal performance.
  • When it comes to carbs at this point in you’re training you will not need to eat mass amounts because you will decrease you’re training. Maintaining between 3-5 grams per pound of body weight will be sufficient and you will have additional glycogen – almost double because you won’t be training as hard. This means that by race day you will be fully energized and ready to go!
  • Make sure to carb load daily – You’re diet should consist of 55-65% carbs –  approximately 4 grams per pound of body weight. Simply multiply you’re weight by this number to get an accurate number of how much you should be consuming.
  • Choose the right foods – It is important to choose foods that will be digest easily and not cause any indigestion or constipation while you are training. Fiber rich foods such as whole wheat bread, bran cereal, fruits and vegetables are good because they will keep you regular. If you only eat refined carbs such as white paste, potato act, this may cause constipation.
  • Timing your meals  – The foods you eat and the timing you eat them the day before an event is really important.  Everyone’s body digests food differently but 24 hours before a race you want to make sure to avoid foods that are slow to empty. Your last large meal should be at least 12 hours before the race  to make sure everything is digested.