+1 437-663-5341 Info@sklptyourlife.com
  •  Meditate and visualize – By envisioning yourself healthier and fitter you create positive feelings. Take a few minutes out of your day, pick a quiet spot, close your eyes and really feel and visualize yourself in a slimmer and healthier body. By doing this, you are inducing your subconscious mind to shape it as your mental image is. Concentrate on those good feelings and by doing so you are automatically sending out those positive vibrations and aligning yourself with your goals.
  • Keep a positive attitude – if you have the right attitude, weight loss will come easy to you. In order to master your body and health you must look at the patterns in your life. It is important that you drop the bad habits and replace them with better ones. Make sure to acknowledge every small progress towards your goals and write it down. By focusing on this it will keep you to motivated and in line with reaching your optimal health.
  • Be patient – Another reason people tend to give up and get frustrated with losing weight is that they don’t have the patience. Most of us want instant gratification and weight loss is too slow to satisfy us. The key is to learn to enjoy and embrace  your journey towards better health and in the end it is much more rewarding.  Losing weight at a slower rate is in fact healthier and more sustainable in the long run. When we lose too fast, we are really only losing lean tissue and water which in turns slows down the metabolism and makes it harder to lose more weight.
  • The power of photos and visuals – cutting out pictures from fitness magazines and posting them on you’re wall for motivation is very powerful. Place them in your room because it will be the first thing you see when you wake up in the morning. Also taking progress pictures of yourself every 2 weeks to see the changes is very important. When you start to see small improvements in your physique whether it is your legs or waist slimming down or seeing more definition in your shoulders it keeps you motivated and wanting to continue. So when you decide to set a fitness goal, remember to take photos!