SKLPT Your Life Podcast

Podcast – Quitting the corporate world and moving into the wellness space with Abril Sandoval
After a decade of working in the high stakes corporate job, Abril Sandoval decided to quit her career after developing multiple health issues which led her to the “Ayurvedic Institute” in Chile. She immersed herself in studying “ Ayurveda” , an ancient Indian healing...

Podcast – Redefining Leadership with Shannon Chace
The word “leadership” gets tossed around a lot these days and takes many different forms. In this episode Shannon Chace, who’s been working in the law industry for decades and recently moved into a leadership role shares her story. In this episode we will learn...

Stephanie Katona
Listen, Learn, Grow
This podcast features experts, authors, and thought leaders ranging from all things lifestyle related, health and wellness, relationships, and business to provide you with practical takeaways that you can implement into your own life so that you can begin SKLPTing yourself from the inside out